Sex Manswers

Ep 98) A Man's Special Birthday Request



A man's birthday is a special day. For one, it's the one day of the year in which a man can take a day off of work and not have a to-do list of work needing to be done around the house. It's also a day in which he can just relax and do the things he enjoys or simply watch TV without having to pause the show dozens of times because of interruptions. Another reason why a man's birthday is a special day is the special birthday request. A day in which he can request trying something new in the bedroom from his wife. The old sitcom joke was that a man's two favorite days of the year were his birthday and Christmas because those were the only two days he would get a blowjob. Maybe that's an over-exaggeration, but that may not be too far off. His birthday is a day he can request trying something new in the bedroom that his wife would not be willing to try any other day of the year. Some she will find out she likes, some not so much. With the focus being only on his pleasure, it leaves his birthday as the only day of