Worldbuilder's Anvil

Season 3 Episode 1 The Character Primer



Season 3 Episode 1 The Character Primer   Today's Topic –Steps to awakening your inner worldbuilder   Please Subscribe, Rate and Review us on iTunesFor complete Fantasy Worldbuilding, show notes go to Podcast Show Flow How is Character Development worldbuilding? Characters are both tool for you story to unfold. They are also tools for how you share your worldbuilding with people you interact with. How does this normally fit into my style of worldbuilding? Formally Reality This is not the normal top-down approach I prefer. However, it is realistic to how my mind works Does this need to be deeper than the meta development? When should it When it should not be? 2 Levels to character development The Surface view The Character Creation AKA GURPS meets Robert Jordan. Or Harper Lee… (insert author here) From the Meta to the Detail Goal of the season Create the main antagonist(s) and the protagonist(s) Generic Priest, Warriors for both sides and farmer for the frogs Later season we will work