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105 - Abstinence is Bliss with Chef AJ



In today's episode I talk to Chef AJ about how abstinence is bliss and the way to lifelong management of weight and of recovery from food addiction. She also has eaten a plant-exclusive diet for over 43 years and feels that people don't recover because they eat animal products, but because they exclude sugar, flour, and alcohol.  Chef AJ shares her own personal story and talks about caloric density as a key to losing weight. Chef AJ is the host of the television series Healthy Living with CHEF AJ which airs on Foody TV. A chef, culinary instructor and professional speaker, she is author of the popular book Unprocessed: How to Achieve Vibrant Health and Your Ideal Weight, which chronicles her journey from an obese junk-food vegan faced with a diagnosis of pre-cancerous polyps, to learning how to create foods that nourish and heal the body. Her latest bestselling books The Secrets to Ultimate Weight Loss: A Revolutionary Approach to Conquer Cravings, Overcome Food Addiction and Lose Weight Without Going Hu