Power Your Purpose With Megan Accardo

85. Nail Your Niche to Explode Your Online Biz



The riches are in the niches! Have you heard this phrase and are left wondering why you need to niche down and how the heck to do it? On this episode we dive into it. FIRST, WHY DO YOU HAVE TO NICHE? People pay for a specialty solution to an urgent problem. They don’t just pay for better health or more confidence. Those things go on to help them accomplish a tangible result they are after. In other words, your offer won’t fly off the shelf if it’s not solving a specific problem and offering a tangible result. AND WHY IS IT SO DANG HARD TO NICHE? We are big-hearted humans who want to help a lot of people solve a lot of problems. Also.. being clear about something we are emotionally tied to is hard to do on our own. OK, SO HOW DO I NICHE? Ask the following questions: Who is this program/ service/ product for? What is that ONE problem I will solve that hits inside a client’s zone of urgency? What is the end result or tangible benefit I will offer? Can I create a methodology, a formula, a plan that is