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104 - Get More Out of Midlife With Dr. Keira Barr



In today's episode I talk with Dr. Keira Barr, a dual board-certified dermatologist and menopause specialist, about how to feel our best in mid-life and how important the role stress plays in both our skin and hormone health. Blending science with soul, Dr. Keira Barr turns conventional methodologies on their heads so midlife women can feel comfortable in their bodies and love the skin they’re in. Dr. Barr creates a bridge between hormones, skin and mind-body medicine to optimize women’s mid-life experience. A fierce patient advocate, Dr. Barr empowers women worldwide to take control of their health and their hormones in menopause. She is an international speaker, best selling author, clinical educator, and considered a leading authority on women’s health. As a former Assistant Clinical Professor at UC Davis in the departments of dermatology and pathology, editorial reviewer of multiple leading medical journals, medical advisor within the personal care and tech communities, and researcher in clinical trials,