Upon A Pagan Path

Episode 009 - A Chat With Joanna Van Der Hoeven (Corrected Copy)



On this episode of Upon a Pagan Path, I get the chance to have a lovely chat with Joanna Van Der Hoeven, author of "Zen Druidry", "Dancing With Nemetona" and "The Awen Alone". We also talk for a short bit about her involvement with The Druid College, how she started on her Spiritual Path, and what's on her digital music player.  :)  We also have Omnia's "Love in the Forest" from their "Wolf Love" album, and I spend some time with you on the Spoken Word segment with my own poem "Ready to Start It All Again".  Come on in and take a short stroll upon a Pagan Path! --- Joanna Van DerHoeven's web site is located at http://www.joannavanderhoeven.com and her personal blog is located at http://downtheforestpath.com. Please take the time to check those sites out - and don't forget her marvelous books which can be found at http://www.moon-books.net/authors/joanna-van-der-hoeven. The UK Druid College can be found at their website:  http://uk.druidcollege.org/ --- Omnia's wonderful music can be found for sale at their we