Bede There, Done That

Episode 9: The Virgin of Guadalupe & St. Juan Diego



*Episode 9: The Virgin of Guadalupe & St. Juan Diego * Brief Chronology: Early 1300s - Marian apparition and founding of shrine for Virgin of Guadalupe of Extremadura in Spain 1474 - Cuauhtlatoatzin ("Eagle that Speaks"), later known as Juan Diego, is born at Cuautitlan in the Texcoco Kingdom. 1521 - Conclusion of Spanish conquest of the Mexica ("Aztec") empire in central Mexico 1531 - December 9th through 12th - Apparitions of Blessed Virgin Mary to Juan Diego; appearance of image of Virgin of Guadalupe on Juan Diego's tilma on December 12. 1545-48 - The Nican Mopohua, recounting the apparition story in the native language Nahuatl, likely written. 1548 - Juan Diego dies. 1666 - Formal investigation of the tilma and apparition story by the Church 1795 - Acid spilled accidentally on the tilma during cleaning of its frame. 1810 - Image of the Virgin of Guadalupe used as banner of the Hidalgo rebellion. 1921 - Bomb explodes in flower display in front of the tilma, but does not harm the image. 2002 - Canon