

WE WANT YOU!!! It is our 60th EPISODE of Season 1. After we had a cancellation we decided to take to "the stage" for just a Merr and J sesh. This episode we discuss the recent Career Path in Lending Brief that we hosted, we discuss some of the amazing guests we have had on the show recently, sprinkle in a little personal baby fever talk, and most importantly, we ask for YOUR HELP. How dare we? As for help? WHAT?????!! Don't worry it is totally painless. At the end of our show we ask for you to submit information about amazing Veterans or Service Members that you know.  Since the mission of our show is to highlight Veterans, Service Members, and Organizations that directly support Service Members, Veterans, and their families, we decided to reach out to our community.  Please, send an email to and submit the name of the person and provide their contact info and why you think they might be a good fit for our show.   You can also call Jason directly at 808-798-90