Rec Scale Up Podcast

Ep 9 - Starting a recruitment business in a time of change and recovery



In our latest Talking Recruitment podcast, Gary Wills joins Neil to discuss why he decided to start a recruitment business at a time of uncertainty during the pandemic, and the steps he took to turn things around after a difficult year. Gary took part in a charity fun run for the NHS Charities, where he ran from Nightingale London to Nightingale Birmingham on his treadmill which led to TV exposure. This gave Gary a leap in confidence and he set up a not-for-profit support group FurLearn, to give back to others which included everything from building their life skills, personal branding to mental health and live workout sessions. FurLearn has since gone on to win prestigious awards with The Learning Institute. Gary has now set up recruitment business Talent Today; their core values are driven by the job seeker and hiring manager, which are opportunity, diversity and empathy.