Miami Hustle Series

002: Creating a profitable business from your passion with Amber Kandarian of DocuInc



Curious what happens when you follow your passion and say no to things that don’t feel right?   I interviewed Amber Kandarian, founder & CEO of DocuInc to learn about how she turned her passion into a profitable business (despite pressure from her parents to get a “real job”).  We go deep into some of her biggest business challenges, including how almost getting acquired by Cisco took her business way off track.  We go deep into what make documentaries especially powerful for connecting with an audience, plus what it takes to tell a great story in video and how you don’t need fancy equipment to have an impact.   Amber is a wealth of real-world experiences (including being the first female DJ in Armenia) and has great wisdom to pass on, especially when it comes to pursuing your passion and making the most out of “our limited time on this planet."