Miami Hustle Series

017: How to come up with a great business idea (P2 -Selection) (L)



Ready to move onto the next stage of coming up with a great idea?   In episode 15 (Idea Generation) we came up with a series of business ideas that existed at the magic intersection of Passion - Expertise - Market Opportunity.   In this exercise we are going to look more closely at a few criteria to determine whether your best ideas are worth diving into further.     Doing this exercise could take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks depending on how much time you have for it and how crisp your idea is.   None of these steps are complicated, and they aren’t critical - they are just meant to save time and heartache down the road by making one of the most common mistakes that business of all sizes make: creating a product or service that they think people should want . . . instead of something they actually want.   Instead, we want to do just a little bit of upfront assessment before diving in more deeply.   To do so, we are going to do 3 exercises:   1) Market Assessment - using two approaches: from the top