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Query Letters and Social Media



Following up the discussion on writing a great query letter is one author's personal experience with the query writing and submission process and how social media led to her best rejecion yet! SeriouslyGina is the author of "For The Love" which she is querying out right now. Gina talks about the recently popular Twitter pitch events and games and how that led to her getting in conctact with several literary agents...which changed the way she approaches sending out query letters. Get a peak at Gina's experience on her blog: http://seriouslygina.com/2015/08/10/how-twitter-led-to-my-best-rejection-letter-to-date/ You can also find Gina on Facebook and Twitter at: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Seriously-Gina/129454477147580 https://twitter.com/seriouslygina