Dum Dum Die

Panel 08: "Homebrew 101" with Bethany Dewar, Jon Keevy, Dominic Kotze, and Carla Harris



We've spoken about world building, adventure building, and creating for tabletop roleplaying. In this panel we discuss the how to and the why behind homebrew for tabletop and LARP. Carla-la is joined by Mr Writer Jon Keevy, Beth of Cape Town LARP fame, and Dominic Kotze who keeps the central South African RPG community going strong. Apologies for the change, copyright concerns :)  An home-brew actual-play Dungeons and Dragons 5e podcast set on the continent of Astra in Callendos, with interactive input from our live sessions on Twitch.tv/dumdumdie . All female. All awesome! Music by @vid-gobac Watch our livestream on Twitch 19:15 South African time (GMT +2) Tuesdays at: twitch.tv/dumdumdie Tweet us @dumdumdie or email us at dumdumdiepod@gmail.com Catch us on Discord anytime :) Find Bethany Dewar on Instagram @darkoutthere or through the Cape Legion of Adventurer's and Wargamers (UCT CLAWs) Discord Server https://discord.gg/xxS6dy4y or on their website at https://claws.za.net Find Jon Keevy on all the soc