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The SCIENCE of Creativity - Train and Increase Your Creativity using Big Little Breakthroughs with Josh Linkner



Feel like you’ve been lacking Creativity? This episode has EVERYTHING you need to understand WHY, and HOW YOU TOO can create just like the world's most recognized creators, innovators, and musicians this planet has ever seen.   Today I’ll be talking with Josh Linkner, a self-proclaimed creative troublemaker, and the author of a brilliant book on creativity, Big Little Breakthroughs: How Small, Everyday Innovations Drive Oversized Results   That is just what I want to talk with him about today, about how to discover your creative genius and use it to change your life. Plus a creativity boosting exercise!   As children we were PLAYING machines, HARD WIRED to be CREATIVE and free of judgement and limitations! But growing up in a world that fosters “realistic” expectations, we lose that powerful, boundless child's creativity.   We can track the decrease of creativity, all the way back to the Industrial Age. This has been a ripple effect coming on for CENTURIES.   The GOOD NEWS is it's all reversible–we can take b