Your Mark On The World

UT Physicians for a Healthy Environment Founder On Opening Schools - #plugintodevin



#plugintodevin Show - Devin Thorpe for Congress Guest: Brian Moench Issue: Right now it's the pandemic and whether to open schools. Normally it's air pollution and the climate crisis. I've been involved in trying to raise awareness of the health consequences of air pollution/dirty energy, and shape public policy to improve Wasatch Front air quality. We're not doing anywhere enough to reduce pollution, and much more must be done. The proposed inland port will be the biggest new source of pollution in 50 years. Bio: Medical Background: - Graduate of U. of Utah Medical School - Internship in Internal Medicine at LDS Hospital - Residency in Anesthesiology at Mass. General Hospital - Fellowship in Intensive Care Medicine Mass. General Hospital - Former instructor in anesthesia, Harvard Medical School - Former Chairman, Anesthesia Dept., Holy Cross Hospital - Private practice in anesthesiology since 1981. Environmental expertise: - Former adjunct faculty member, U. of Utah Honors College, teaching public health a