Daily Nuggets With Your Favorite Local Haole Lender

The Badarse of Badarses



Rarely, do you meet someone who checks all boxes of “bad-a$$ery.”Well folks, we found someone who checks all those boxes.We would like to introduce you to, jack of all trades, Retired United States Marine, Bruce Thompson.Bruce has amazed us with everything he does and continues to do for our Veterans and Service Members, AND their families. He is the true definition of a servant leader and Veteran advocate.He is co-founder of Vets on TAP, he is an active mentor for Veterati, active member and Vice President of Operations for Vets2Industry, promoter of all Veteran owned businesses, and so much more.Join the show today to listen for yourself the journey of this amazing individual and hear his heart on why he continues to serve.Connect and Engage with Bruce Thompson today to see if he has a recommendation on the best path for you based on your current journey. LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brucethompsonmbaEmail:  bruce.thompson.mba@gmail.comWebsite:  https://vets2industry.com/  :  https://www.veterati.co