Everything Is Psychological

Priorities - Episode 19



We are back from a 3 month hiatus with episode 19. Life's priorities moved me away from the podcast for a while, but now I am up and running again. I hope to keep the episodes coming every week to 2 weeks. The focus of the podcast will remain psychological in nature with a shift at times to the integration of spirituality and psychology.  In this episode I give an update on the APA accreditation process of our school district's internship program. We also consider the development of the 5th Circuit Appeals Court and their finding the Texas psychologist licensure law unconstitutional. Check out this link to the article about this:  https://www.cir-usa.org/2016/01/fifth-circuit-tosses-texas-psychology-licensing-law/ It's important to consider the impacts an unregulated field. Finally, we discuss priorities. It is very tempting to become overinvolved. We fill our days with activities. We are afraid of missing out on the next big thing. So, we agree to everything. This multitasking and making everything equally i