Buffer Culturelab

1: Superpower Values



The first episode of a new podcast series about how and why we work, and how to give work more meaning. We'd love your feedback! Email us at hello@buffer.com or Tweet us @buffer!   Transcript: Courtney: Hi, I'm Courtney Seiter. Carolyn: And I'm Carolyn Kopprasch. Courtney: And this is the Buffer CultureLab podcast. Carolyn: Where we're slightly obsessed with creating happier, more human work. Courtney: Today, we're going to attempt to explain why we wanted to start a podcast and why this particular topic of radical workplace culture is one that spoke to us really strongly. Carolyn: I'm super excited to be interviewing you for this one, because I feel like you have so much history here. Courtney:  I'm nervous. Carolyn: [chuckles] You are? Courtney: Yeah! Carolyn:  Well, why don't you tell me why you specifically and why we, Buffer, are doing this and embarking on this? Courtney Sure. So as you know and maybe we can tell our listeners, Buffer is a social media tool that helps you share really efficiently and st