The Trouble With Trivia

Episode 11: "Final Science."



It's like the World's Fair here at The Trouble With Trivia podcast.  Sure we've always given you your sweet, hot geek culture trivia...but what about the O.G. (original geeks) questions?  That's right, Eric and Mike, your TWT hosts are joined by Jeff Richardson, 1/2 of the amazing Everything is Awesome podcast, and we breach into the realm of real, weird science.  It is an hilarious romp through the realms of fact and fiction.  Enjoy all these topics: 1) Weird Science 2) 90s Pop Music  3) Classic X-Men   As always, play along and contact us if you want to be a guest!!!  No pressure! Our guest's podcast: Everything is Awesome Facebook Page Direct link to an episode of their podcast Your boys at the Trouble With Trivia iTUNES: (WE NEED REVIEWS!) Facebook: thetroublewithtrivia@gmail.comTwitter: @TroubleWTrivia