The Trouble With Trivia

Episode H8TEEN: "Demon King Death March"



Hellfire lascerations.  Unholy abominations. It is Episode 18 of the much lauded Trouble With Trivia Podcast, and have brought the heat.  The Hell Heat.  That's right, this week your regulars hosts are joined by old time collaborator and all around destroyer 'lil Steavie Chambers to bring you the death metal crunch of "Demon King Death March".  In this episode we slice riffs through: 1) The Streets of Marvel 2) Wizards and Warriors 3) Heavy Metal Crossover.   Contact the show! Be a guest! Write an iTUNES review! Donate some $$$ for a better tomorrow! (WE NEED REVIEWS! PRESSURE INTENDED!)Facebook: thetroublewithtrivia@gmail.comTwitter: @TroubleWTrivia