The Trouble With Trivia

Episode 20: "Spinning Worlds Collide"



The blood has barely dried since the previous battle and your old trivia frenemies are AT IT AGAIN.   It is EPISODE 20: "Spinning World's Collide" .  Eric and Mike (your devilish hosts) cross swords with eachother and a very special guest.  Local Tacoma writer Jack Cameron shows up to scorch the Earth.  Enjoy as they kill eachother through the lands of the follow catagories:   1.  World's Collide 2.  Spinoff's 3.  Marvel Movies.   Enjoy!  Check out our guests work:   Ruin Your Life: By Jack Cameron (Amazon Link) for his album and Zine:!shop--cart/c20ey Contact the show! Be a guest! Write an iTUNES review! Donate some $$$ for a better tomorrow! iTUNES:…/the-trouble-with-tr…/id908898493…(WE NEED REVIEWS! PRESSURE INTENDED!) Facebook: Email: thetroublewithtriv