The Trouble With Trivia

Episode 27: "iAGAINSTZOMBi"



In this 27th episode of your favorite Trivia podcast, Eric and Mike your co-hostuses are joined by thrice winner and quiz-sinner Nathan Ketzner.  Nathan brings the blood, Mike brings the pain and Eric brings the dip.  Its three rounds of nerdy trivia and damned decent pop culture conversation.     In this episiode...CATAGORIES: 1.  The Rising Dead Zombi trivia.  In all it's rotten flesh glory.  2.  Gotham Knights General Bat-family riddles 3. Cyborg Half man, half machine, all hard questions.     Contact the show! Be a guest! Write an iTUNES review! Donate some $$$ for a better tomorrow!…/the-trouble-with-tr…/id908898493… (WE NEED REVIEWS! PRESSURE INTENDED!)Facebook: thetroublewithtrivia@gmail.comTwitter: @TroubleWTriviaCheck out our sister show "black lodge/ white noise" for episode-by-episode commentary