The Trouble With Trivia

EP 32: "Bigfoot Vs. Quizfoot"



In this 32nd Episode of your favorite trivia podcast, hosts Eric Anderson and Mike Fitzgerald are embattled, as per usual.  The only difference, when the smoke rises, a third mysterious humanoid lifts a battle axe to join in the carnage.  This wonder of the world, known as Dustin Dwyer, brings knowledge spears to the terrordome.   Categories this episode:   1.  TV LAND:  broad and widespread TV questions 2) Muppet Madness!  Test your knowledge on Muppet history. 3)  BIGFOOT - Our guest shows off his expert chops on mysterious questions about a mysterious creature.     Contact the show! Be a guest! Write an iTUNES review! Donate some $$$ for a better tomorrow!…/the-trouble-with-tr…/id908898493…(WE NEED REVIEWS! PRESSURE INTENDED!)Facebook: thetroublewithtrivia@gmail.comTwitter: @TroubleWTriviaCheck out our sister show "black lodge/ white noise" for episode-by-episode commentary and to hear