The Trouble With Trivia

EP 34: "Moonage TriviaDream"



The blood on the battlefield has dried over the years.  We add more to it every month, but red on red is a slowly changing canvas.  Your hosts, Eric and Mike, take a gentlemen's truce to honor one of the fallen.  Is there still trivia?  Of course!  Is it still vicious? Undoubtably.  But like opposing armies during World War I taking a day off to play a friendly game of soccer, Eric and Mike celebrate Bowie the Immortal.     Categories: Space Fantasy:  Magic in Space.  Stranger things have happened, and been turned in to questions!   Fantastic Four:  Marvel's First Family has had some weird adventures over the years.  Weird adventures make for great questions.     David Bowie:  You can't walk two inches through Pop Culture without tripping over a Bowie reference.     Contact the show! Be a guest! Write an iTUNES review! Donate some $$$ for a better tomorrow!…/the-trouble-with-tr…/id908898493…(WE NEED REVIEWS! PRESSURE INTENDED!)Facebook