The Trouble With Trivia

Ep 35: "Dost Blood Sparkle?"



In this new 25th episode of your favorite game show podcast, Meesha Bohde returns.  She graces with her quarterly arrival, filled with vicious bloodlust, embarrassing disgrace, and never any mercy.  All blades are drawn and kid gloves were eaten and sh$#  out a long time ago.  Oh, and that haunting voice of a wood nymph that appears randomly to add hilarity and insight to all of our pop culture conversations?  That's Peanut Gallerist Matt Lemanski returning for to punch us up a bit.   CATEGORIES: Sparkly Superheroes 80's Cartoons Arrested Development    Contact the show! Be a guest! Write an iTUNES review! Donate some $$$ for a better tomorrow! NEED REVIEWS! PRESSURE INTENDED!)Facebook: thetroublewithtrivia@gmail.comTwitter: @TroubleWTriviaCheck out our sister show "black lodge/ white noise" for episode-by-episode commentary and to hear