The Trouble With Trivia

Ep 37: "Blood Pyramid"



In this 37th episode, your cohosts (Eric and Mike) toss a third sword into the Thunderdome, and 3 times returning guest, Nathan Ketzner, returns to show out our heroes what it feels like to bleed.     It is three rounds of a trivia gorefest in the following categories: 1) Super Future (Future superheroes) 2) Brutes'n'Babes (Strong dudes and ladies that pound flesh) 3) Rip offs (Pop culture that exists to emulate/honor/steal from other pop culture) ENJOY Contact the show! Be a guest! Write an iTUNES review! Donate some $$$ for a better tomorrow!…/the-trouble-with-tr…/id908898493…(WE NEED REVIEWS! PRESSURE INTENDED!)Facebook: thetroublewithtrivia@gmail.comTwitter: @TroubleWTriviaCheck out our sister show "black lodge/ white noise" for episode-by-episode commentary and to hear the exciting conclusion of our crossover.…/black-lo