Narrative Control

Narrative Control - Episode 3



Hi, welcome to Narrative Control.  This episode is part one of Burning Las Vegas, the city creation process for the alpha test of the Dresden Files RPG. We introduce the Dresden Files and then step through our process of picking a city and giving it life. Next week, part two will wrap up with the locations and personalities we created. Hosts: Sean Nittner and Erik Woodbury Liner Notes [0:30] Mashing things up. A few changes. [0:33] New co-host Erik Woodbury [0:50] Brian Isikoff invited me to be a guest on Episode 38 of 2d6feet in a Random Direction [1:18] Burning Las Vegas. Alpha Play Test of the Dresden Files RPG. [2:15] Bumper [2:37] Introduction to the Dresden Files novels setting [3:58] Step One - Pick a City. How we chose Las Vegas. [4:53] Brainstorming cities [5:54] The issue of Primacy [6:19] Our difficulty settling on one city. Trying to avoid stereotypes [8:56] Step Two - The theme of the Las Vegas [9:38] Vegas is a crossroads for the world [10:08] Potential themes: "L