Narrative Control

Narrative Control - Episode 60 - The LOST Episode



Welcome to the LOST EPISODE.  The one that should have come before, but didn’t. Because sometimes there are things lost between the GM and Player.  We’re talking about that communication.Hosts: Sean Nittner and Joe HarneyLength: 32:38Show Notes[00:24] Welcome Joe Harney.  The Lost Episode[00:45] When things are lost between the players and GMs.[01:13] GM as the window to the world. [1:40] You walk into a cargo bay.  What image in evoked?[01:58] The cargo bay of Serenity.[02:30] Value of a license setting. Establishes setting, tropes, situations,etc.[02:58] Challenge: License settings are great… assuming you know them! [03:28] Licensed settings require that you get everyone to a baseline understanding. [03:45] The Battletech universe. Over 100 books. Outside our normal scope of understanding.[04:20] Medieval Fantasy – more commonly understood setting and topes.[05:08] Using a setting with reflexive knowledge.[05:54] The strength of the World of Darkness settings.[06:25] The Tolkien Syndrome – Detailed descript