Key Voices

Key Voices #109 - A culture of improvement: reviewing the research on teacher working conditions with David Weston



This week we talk to David Weston, CEO at the Teacher Development Trust about his recent report reviewing the evidence around the impact teacher working conditions have on other aspects of a school.  David explains how teacher working conditions link to effective CPD and tentatively to school improvement and better pupil outcomes. David also tells us about how the findings of the research reviewed in the report, underpin the Teacher Development Trusts (TDT) curriculum for their NPQs and ultimately, how schools can make sure both their teachers and pupils continue to thrive and learn.    We talk about:  The new options and opportunities the pandemic has unlocked for staff CPD The introduction this September of a suite of new National Professional Qualifications (NPQs), the Early Career Framework and the emphasis on CPD from government   How the right kinds of collaboration and professional development will actually help teachers cope with the complex demands of returning to face-to-face teaching  What th