Real Estate Investor Huddle

What's the Best CRM to Scale Your REI Business?



As real estate investors, our CRM is the most important piece for our growth and scalability, but picking the right one can be a challenge.    Do you choose a done-for-you system or something that allows you to code and build more integrations on your own? There is no one size fits all CRM - our choice is going to be heavily dependent on our needs, and how quickly we want to ramp up.    What are the considerations we have to make when choosing a CRM? What is the difference between a platform like Podio and our very own Touch?    In this episode, we discuss how to choose the right CRM for your needs and the vision you have for your business. Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode    The CRM we choose is going to be dependent on how quickly we want to ramp up. Podio has a longer ramp up time because there are a lot of different elements to integrate into it.    With Podio, you’re always going to need someone to maintain the tech and help you integrate new things as you start to scale or expand your operat