Unfunny Nerd Tangent

UNT 116: Godzilla Vs Kong



We pull out all the stops as we react to the climax of the cinematic MonsterVerse: Godzilla Vs Kong! In the mighty tradition of Alien Vs Predator, Freddy Vs Jason and of course... Batman V Superman, comes the tip-touching titans that will not stop, no matter how much splash-back is involved. If that last sentence doesn't make any sense to you, check out our latest slugfest of an episode, before this movie gets a sequel, and we all move to Canadia! Hosted by: 'Captain of the Monsters' Greig Tansley (@GreigT13). Featuring: 'SuperJew' Jared Robinovitz (@superjew75), 'Mayor of Hollow Earth' Derek Montilla (@Cap_Kaveman) & 'Looks Good in a Tank-Top' Mike DiPasquale (@maplesyrupdick). Music by: Was (Not Was) & ABBA.