Middle Class Entrepreneur with Daniel Bowling

We have the skills, so lets work smarter not harder! A Smart Tradesmen Community



Middle Class Entrepreneur is designed to speak directly to the middle class, leading a movement towards self reliance. You will hear interviews with todays most talented tradesmen and general experts that will explore problem areas that we all face in our everyday life and business. Topics such as alternative career paths, side income, small business, budgeting and so much more will be discussed 3 days a week. Most of all, we are building an interactive community which relies on the feedback and participation of the listeners to help grow in the most needed areas of the middle class. Whether you are looking for help with alternative careers, your career, promotions, pay raises, jobs, apprenticeships, blogging, design, training, social media, passive income, you tube, search engine optimization, start ups, affiliate marketing, outsourcing overcoming fears, doubts, small business or building your own business, then MiddleClass Entrepreneur is for you. Together we bring value back to all trades such as plumbing, construction, electricians, welders, upholstery, sewing, mechanic, designer, interior design, painter, auto detailer, software engineer, architect, farmer, wood worker, or even a sign language translator because United we stand, and together we will grow.