How To Start Living Show (formerly How To Quit Working)

How Janak and Nalisha Patel used what they know about Fitness to quit working so they can travel and do what they want



Janak Patel used to be an engineer. He didn't hate it, but got bored with it. When his wife asked him to join her in her fitness business, he jumped at the chance. Janak and his wife Nalisha built the largest in-home personal training business in Austrialia. But they gave that all up. We'll talk about why they gave up that successful business and how they created a business that supports they lifestyle as well as:   • How they got big names like Dr. Oz and Biggest Loser trainers to partner with them. • How they have structured their business to allow them to be completely location independent. • How they do this all without ever having to talk to clients one-on-one.   Janak and Nalisha love their life and love sharing their journey so others can live the amazing life that they do. On this episode of The How to Quit Working Show, you will learn the most important things that they have discovered on their journey. You can get more information about Janak and Nalisha at