How To Start Living Show (formerly How To Quit Working)

Episode #21: Kellan Fluckiger used his mastery of meditation and experience from his pressure-cooker corporate career to Quit Working



Kellan Fluckiger had great success in the corporate world, working as consultant in the  a high-stress energy industry. He was right in the middle of the energy deregulation controversy and Enron scandal. But even after all that, he admits he was still AFRAID – and I mean soul-crushing afraid to make the move to starting a business from home. He used the experiences from his career to get over the fear and make it happen. “I'm not OK with doing something for the rest of my life that I don't care about.”  On this episode, Kellan is going to teach us: • What you can do to get ready to quit your job – while you are still working • Tools and skills you have but don't even realize • What do do whenever you feel “stuck” For more information about Kellan, visit him at his websites below: