How To Start Living Show (formerly How To Quit Working)

Episode #23: Jonathan Taylor used his “Golden Boot” to start a home business that gives him the exact lifestyle he wants.



Jonathan Taylor was making great money in a really boring sales job. Every day, he got up and did the job. It was OK, paying the bills nicely but not getting him excited. Until one day, when the economy forced his company to downsize and he was left with a small child, a new house, and no income. He had to find another option. He began digging into lots of self-help stuff, like Jack Canfield, Zig Ziglar and The Success Principles. (By the way, if you think that stuff is too “out there” or “fru-fru” for you, consider that EVERY successful Lifestyle Fanatic soaks up self-help like a sponge and is always looking for more). Because he now had a totally new mindset about what it takes to get whatever you want and be a successful entrepreneur, he started leveraging existing relationships he had with small businesses and doing consulting with them. “The thing I've discovered about successful entrepreneurs is that they are not excuse-makers, they are doers.” That lead him to partner with a local colleague and create