How To Start Living Show (formerly How To Quit Working)

Episode #38: How to Create a Business: Jeet Banerjee on how he created multiple by the age of 20 (Rerun)



Not Quite Like Everyone Else Jeet Banerjee went to high school, just like all of his friends. But in his free time, he wasn’t playing video games, watching TV or any of the stuff kids usually do in high school. That stuff was boring. He was starting businesses. Jeet has an insatiable entrepreneurial spirit. His Path Begins to Diverge Jeet created a web development company while he was in high school. Then, it was time for college. He kept running that company and started another. Eventually, the success of his businesses, combined with his college work became too much. So, he made an important decision. He stuck with what was working – the businesses. Jeet has since sold one of his companies and is now focusing full-time on his latest business, StatFuse, which help high school students get into college. Jeet has seen more success as an entrepreneur than most people see in a lifetime — and he’s even old enough to drink! What is Jeet’s secret to success? Jeet has figured out how to think about starting business