How To Start Living Show (formerly How To Quit Working)

Episode #47: Starting a New Business with the Number 4 Team Beachbody Coach Scottie Hobbs



Scottie Hobbs was sweeping floors at a factory. He was living paycheck to paycheck, his wife also worked and they barely saw each other. He had four kids and knew he needed to make a change. Then he discovered Team Beachbody. After sitting on the sideline for eight months, he finally decided to give it a go. With more than every penny they made going to bills and basic living expenses, Scottie had no extra money to invest in a business. He had no time, no computer, no smartphone, four kids and a lack of self-confidence. But he still did it. Scottie now has a seven (soon to be eight) figure business and lives a lifestyle that he says, “is a dream he still can't believe.” On this episode of the “How to Quit Working Show” Scottie shares how he got over those hurdles as well as: How his kids have been a reason instead of an excuse for not starting a business. How he came up with the money he needed to join Team Beachbody. You can get more information about Scottie at: Click here (