How To Start Living Show (formerly How To Quit Working)

239: Stop Living Small



Why are you living small? Have you ever wondered what you’re gaining from living small? Why aren’t you living to your full potential? Why are you afraid to live fulling sold out? This is a theme that I’ve been addressing a lot the last few weeks in my coaching practice. Its an issue many people face. So what are you really afraid of? I found a quote in Og Mandino’s The Greatest Miracle in the World that I’d like to share. “Because all of us know that we can be better than we are. Oh, it is true that most humans cannot translate this hidden feeling into words, but there has been something implanted within each human being that removes him or her, completely, from the animal kingdom. And that something, almost a second conscience, continues to remind us at the most unexpected moments of our dull lives that we are not living up to our potential. It is only logical, therefore that if we know we can do better and we are not doing better, if we know we can be earning more worldly goods and we are not, if we know w