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95 - Stress Resiliency With Dr. Kelley Garrison, Naturopathic Physician



In today's episode I talk with my sister, Dr. Kelley Garrison, about her own health journey and why she decided to become an ND.  She also talks to us about mind body medicine and how to improve our overall stress levels and stress resiliency.  Kelley is a licensed Naturopathic Physician who graduated from Bastyr University and currently practices at Northwest Life Medicine Clinic in Bellingham, WA. She works with patients to find optimal wellness using the foundations of healthy living (good sleep, good food, movement, hydration, community, and safety) and has a special interest in mind body medicine. She regularly uses biofeedback and other mind body medicine techniques in her practice to help her patients feel more resilient and more in charge of their health and wellbeing. Learn more about Kelley at https://nwlifemedicine.com/meet-dr-garrison Sign up for her stress resiliency workshop with coupon code "SIO20" and receive 20% off the full price (20% of $109). Thanks for listening! If you en