Badger Radio

TOTEM #6: "The Shadow: Carl Jung" Feat: Ella Kate Reeves (Therapist) and David Fuller (Rebel Wisdom)



Autumn ’18 TOTEM #6 “The Shadow: Carl Jung” Featuring: Kate Ella Reeves (psychotherapist, “The Heroine’s Journey” workshop facilitator) + David Fuller (Rebel Wisdom, current affairs journalist). Investigating in layman’s terms the concept of “The Shadow” as proposed by psychotherapist Carl Jung: why we suppress negative elements of our persona into the unconscious mind, what are the consequences, can it be re-integrated and the benefits if it can, Joseph Campbell’s “Hero’s journey”, Maureen Murdoch’s “Heroine’s Journey”, differences between men and women’s shadows, if there is such a thing as a communal shadow, the wider context and implications of the shadow phenomenon and much more. Badger Radio's new episode of TOTEM with Freddy Drabble is now live, perfect for those of you who driving, cycling, commuting or just soaking in the bath.
Apart from spanking new tunes, this fifth show researches Jung's conept, as Freddy researches an old curiosity of his regarding the The Shadow and its place in the world. #