Dum Dum Die

1:23 - Can I Go Rambo On This B**ch



Disco lights and disrobing. Sounds like a party! Our adventurers embrace the fate of all lower level players as they decide whether to die in heroic albeit misguided glory or to live another day to then die in heroic albeit misguided glory :) Will they die for a dress? This month our Podcast is supported by the amazing Q-Workshop Dice. The details around the Gamer Girl Day Campaign with the wonderful Q-Workshop. Q-Workshop wanted to celebrate #WomenInTabletop so all throughout March (The month of International Women's Day) they supported various female GM's and players like ourselves, Roll Like a Girl and some GM's and Rpg creators in Poland. They also have offered a discount on the dice we chose (will add the link as soon as it's up) :) Go find their awesome dice on https://www.q-workshop.com The dice we chose are: Wednesday aka Xantallarion - Classic Pearl and Red Nicole aka Darby and Kirsten aka Oriolle - Handpainted Japanese Kanji Dice Set (7) Kut aka Raen - Pathfinder Mummy's Mask Carla the GM - S