Rec Scale Up Podcast

Ep 6 - Tackling mental health in recruitment as we navigate the road to recovery



Featured speaker: Michelle Flynn, CBT Practitioner & Certified Health Coach Recruitment will always be a sales business. As we navigate the path of recovery, how can business leaders help their people adapt to the new world of work and deliver against their high targets while providing excellent mental health and well-being support? We spoke to REC business partner and CBT Practitioner & Certified Health Coach Michelle Flynn on the practical steps agency owners and business leaders can take to manage the wellbeing and resilience of their staff. An ex-recruiter herself, Michelle brings in her wealth of knowledge and diverse experience on what our industry can do to tackle this issue. Tune in to hear about: • How do we address the challenge of mental health as we build back? • What challenges do recruitment businesses face around employee mental health and wellbeing? • How can businesses support their staff with mental health and resilience? • Top tips for health and wellbeing for recruiters to improve mind