Key Voices

Key Voices #105 - Launching an academy trust during a pandemic, part 2 with TEAM Education Trust



“The pandemic has given us the confidence to change, potentially in quite a quick way, to be creative in what we do and to focus on the most important things which, at the end of the day, are the children, the families and the staff.”    This week we talk to senior leaders at TEAM Education Trust: Sarah Baker, CEO, Alison Bingham, Director of Development, Rachel Watson, Associate Principal and Director of Education and Achievement, and Alan Brown, Principal, Model Village Primary.  We look back at the year gone since the start of the pandemic, think about the difference working together as a trust has made to them and hear about the plans they have currently underway to further develop their work on a wellbeing charter.    We talk about:  Their reflections on the previous year How the central team provided capacity to the schools The Trust’s approach to remote learning and how it has evolved over the course of the year The success of TEAM’s emphasis on parental involvement, including doing detailed in