Mums In Biz Podcast

Episode 12 - How To Create a Solid Business Foundation



In this episode Kyla and Emilia talk about the fun challenge they held in their online Mums in Biz Facebook Group last month. They had such fun jumping on daily “lives” within the group to take them through a five step process to get their members to rethink their business, re-energise and motivate them. Defining or Redefining Your Business in 5 Days is the perfect way to increase clarity within your business, have a clear direction, tap into your WHY and really map out what the rest of 2019 is going to look like for you. We tend to get so focused on working “in” our businesses and rarely step back and work on how we want to show up in the world as entrepreneurs. This challenge was perfect to uncover some aspects maybe you haven't thought of before or properly defined. The steps covered were: Your Vision Statement Your Ideal Customer Your Onliness Statement The Business Essentials Your Mission Statement Grab a pen, your journal and a quiet space and take notes and challenge yourself to get clear on your busin