Mums In Biz Podcast

Episode 53- How To Stay In Your Own Lane and Not Compare Yourself To Others



If this time of year is making you look around at what others are doing and feeling like you should be building that online course, speaking at events, writing a book, you can fill in the blanks then Kyla is here to explain to you why where you are is exactly where you need to be. This topic came to the forefront when Kyla received a few message on Social Media following Emilia’s book release “It’s Your Life”, all about how to start and to build your confidence asking her why she wasn’t writing a book as she was the coach? She truly hadn’t even thought about it and it was interesting how others perception of what she “should be doing” got her thinking. This is exactly how you can be distracted from your goals. So, after answering the question on Social Media she thought it a great subject for the podcast. Comparing where you are with someone else is fraught with danger. It’s the exact way most of us become derailed from our goals and dreams and get us stuck in our heads resulting in comparison, anxiety and to