Christ Community Church Helena, Al

The Heart of God



Introduction: Genesis 1 - 11 The Story Quiz: Genesis 12 - Jude 1. Why did God rescue the Israelites from Egypt with the 10 plagues? 2. Why did God allow David to defeat Goliath? 3. What was the purpose of the temple that Solomon built? 4. What lesson do we learn from Daniel and the lion’s den? 5. What is the second half of Psalm 46:10? 6. Psalm 67:1 says, “May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us”…what comes next? The Conclusion: Revelation Are you a bucket or a pipe? Lunch Questions: Over the last year, what ways have you been a bucket? What adjustments can you make to be the pipe God intends for you to be?