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25 - Florence Christophers: The Kick Sugar Coach!



In today's episode I talk with Florence Christophers, Founder and Co-host of kicksugarsummit.com.  Florence is a 100% recovered sugar addict (words she never thought she would say.) Her journey to freedom started in her twenties and ended in a moment of insight about how to kick sugar without willpower.  Today she knows that kicking sugar does not need to be a long drawn out power struggle.  There is a better way!  A fast track to freedom that she teachers in her "3 Weeks to Sugar Freedom" online course.  This approach comes out of the drug and alcohol recovery field and works like a charm for all addictions, including sugar.  Today Florence is a certified health coach and a sugar addiction recovery specialist.  She is on a mission to help men and women break up with sugar and never look back.  Goodbye sugar, hello happiness.  For more information, you can visit her website at www.kicksugarcoach.com. Other resources that inspired Florence: "That Sugar Film" by Damo