Change Your Mindset

S4E10. Psychological Safety Is a Must if You Want Your Organization to Succeed



Have you ever been in a meeting and your boss asks you a question about your ideas on a particular subject? After you share your thoughts, your boss responds with negativity and dismissal. When your boss responds this way, creativity stops and it suppresses the rest of the group's creative thoughts and ideas. No one wants to be humiliated like this in front of others. The traditional corporate culture does not allow you to speak your mind and ask questions without feeling insecure or embarrassed, but good news is that you can create a culture where all ideas have validity, where ideas are accepted and discussed, and where questions are asked without any judgment or the fear of embarrassment. To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: Resources: "High Performing Teams Need Psychological Safety. Here's How To Create It" "The Five Keys to a Successful Google Team" S4E8. Financial Leadership Change Your Mindset is a production of Crate Media Learn more about your ad choices.