Roker Rapport

ROKER RAPPORT PLAYER RATINGS: Rather angry reaction to Sunderland’s Shrewsbury sh*tshow!



Gav, Chris Wynn & Matty Crichton get together to fume collectively over Sunderland’s below-par performance away at Shrewsbury... Remi Matthews, don’t listen in... Everyone else however can listen for FREE on Acast, iTunes, Spotify, & YouTube. What’s the crack? The lads look back at Sunderland’s pathetic performance... How much fume can we direct towards Lee Johnson?  Why can’t we hold a lead?!  Remi Matthews and Jake Vokins... just... WTF Lads?  Player Ratings - Read ‘em (hear ‘em aye) and weep...  YOUR Three Word Reviews;Stay safe and thanks for listening! #SAFC #EFL  See for privacy and opt-out information.