Roker Rapport

ROKER RAPPORT PLAYER RATINGS: WEAR ON OUR WAY! Reaction to Pompey 0-2 Sunderland!



A very happy Gav was joined very late last night by Chris and Matty to go over an extremely important win over promotion rivals Portsmouth... What a night... You can listen for FREE on Acast, iTunes, Spotify, & YouTube - get stuck in. What's the crack?HAWAAAAAAAAAAAAY! We're going up aren't we?The Lads rated by the panel; Where does each player stand? [Editorial note: All ratings can be considered as +1 whatever the lads have given because.. F*ck it]A few more of your three word reviews and the lads try to contain themselves.. How confident are we now? How class was that?Cheers for listening! HAWAY THE LADS! #SAFC #EFL  See for privacy and opt-out information.